
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

WikiLeaks and US government

Anyone thinking the information was a leak by the American government. People could have been monitoring private's Manning internet usage or were familiar to his affinity for Wikileaks. The information that he was privy to was not relevant to his job.

Another thought, the information leaks doesn't seem to cause as much damage tot he united states as it does some foreign governments. Could it be that the American government were sick and tired of being told one thing in private by world leaders and then hearing them say something else in public. Maybe they wanted to out their hypocrisy.

The maybe again the information wasn't important enough to be kept safe, and the story of the leak is more important than the leak itself.

Anyway here's a time magazine article about it's impact:,00.html

Originally Posted by Time Magazine
I understand that these revelations embarrass the Arab regimes, which publicly speak only of the Palestinian cause but privately plot against Iran. But why is that bad for the U.S.? The WikiLeaks data powerfully confirms the central American argument against Iran's programs: that they are a threat to regional stability and order, not merely to Washington's narrow interests. (Israel's Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu quickly pointed this out.) In fact, the simplest confirmation of the fallout can be found in Tehran's reaction to WikiLeaks. Alone among world leaders, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims that the documents were actually leaked by Washington. After all, they expose as an utter lie Ahmadinejad's constant claim that he has befriended all Arab states and that, if not for Washington, Iran would be beloved by all in the region.

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