
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Religion and Government in the middle east

We need a new revolution of ideas in the middle east. We need to start looking critically at religion and the role it plays in government. We can't keep allowing the religious to control our political life. It is time for a new age of enlightenment in the middle east.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

God's Judgement

I have to say I have been feeling injustice lately. A lot of unjust things have happened to me, members of my family. I have have spent some time thinking about them, but there is nothing more I can do. I see no way of correcting these wrongs in this life. So I started thinking about how God is going to judge us all in the end. And I started having very bad thoughts about those people who have wronged me. I started thinking that well I would like God to send them to hell.

But this is completely against Christian doctrine. We are supposed to forgive the people who trespass against us or else God will not forgive us. So this leads me to think about whether there will truly be any justice in the end. I mean if you forgive against those who wronged you in the end, maybe God will forgive them as well, and then you might end up in heaven with these same people and they won't be punished. So no justice in the afterlife as well.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thoughts on the world is flat

I have been reading this book for a while now, I have to say the last 200 pages seem to be the hardest to overcome. The main point of the book were made a few chapters back. I have been thinking about summarizing the book once I am done with it, but I am not sure how easy that will be. I will try to cover some of the main topics of the book in this post.

Friedman's book is a journey into the world of outsourcing which took the business world by storm starting sometime in 2002 ( ??). He calls this phenomena "the world going flat", in that the competition playing field for work has flattened allowing people from different countries to compete for the same work or job. He attributed this "flattening" to the advances in information technology and the internet which has allowed people to collaborate online. He elaborates on the examples where outsourcing has taken place, and gives some advice to business people on how to deal with this new flat world.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The rich to subsidize the poor in lebanon

This is about the new proposed rent law in Lebanon. Recently the bank deposits in Lebanon have increased dramatically. So much so that the banks have stopped taking deposits because they can't return the high interests that they advertise. So the new law is in the books to free the old rents in Lebanon, forcing a big part of the population to buy mortgages. And Guess who would benefit from all the mortgages, the rich that's who.
The rich who have money in the banks in Lebanon will get high interest from the mortgage pavements that the poor will be making to pay for their homes.

Of course, Harriri was able to take people's properties for free in Solidere. That is not a problem. But what is the problem is those people who live in old rents who have payed for their properties. And they don't even want to give them adequate compensation so that they can get new homes. They are proposing 20% of the real estate value.

Another point about those homes. Why did the property rise so much ? This is because Iraqis have come to the country and started buying property. Now, I am not against giving refuge to those people God knows they suffer from a persecuting in Iraq, but why allow them to buy houses. Why allow Lebanon to be sold to Arabs ?

In Beirut the price of a 1 square meter is 2000 dollars. No working class Lebanese can afford these prices.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Crisis of Faith

I have found Jesus again a couple years ago after a series of unusual/ paranormal events took place in my life. These events always had a scientific explanation, but I have preferred to believe in the mystical explanation. However recently I have started to question that explanation again. And When I started, I turned again to the bible.
The problems that I had with that book rose again. Namely, how can God exist and have given us this book, when some events in the book never took place, like for example the flood. Anthropologist today believe that the flood never happened and the story of Noah etc.. if pure fiction. So, how can God be real given that.