
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Why not increase Global Wealth?

All these debates about jobs going overseas and the problems they produce, one thing has skipped most people: Why not increase Global Wealth? What if the world's per-capita GDP was the same as the American per capital GDP, how big would the market be for iPADs laptops, cars etc... ? How many people would be working in the United States. So far in the industrialized world farmers are paid subsidies to reduce their agricultural output all the while people are starving in Somalia. What if those Somalis were working making shoes or cloths or whatever and the farmers in America were increasing their output to feed them.

Adam Smith correctly noted that the total wealth of a country is the total work output of a country. And today we have a problem with the global output. People are underemployed all around the world and therefore there is a problem of global poverty and unemployment in the united states.

The real solution is through global policies to increase global output. moving from a 74 trillion global economy to a 345 trillion global economy.

To better illustrate what I am talking by I'll expand the example about the American Agriculture subsidy/Somali starving. Basically, the reason why farmers are being paid not to produce more food, is because if they do then they would depress the prices of food, the market for food is only so big. So we can think of the extra food not being produced as worthless food, or free food. Now, consider the african not working and starving, if they work they will be able to afford food and thus increase the market for food. The food that was not produced before in the united states would be produced as it would not longer be free food but food that is worth money.
So there you go, wealth gets created and all that would be needed is some initial investment to say open up a shoe factory or whatever somewhere in africa. The farmers already have the potential to grow more food.

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