
Sunday, January 30, 2011

All religions are not the same

This is true, there is a big difference between religions. This is not another anti-islamic rant, but seriously why does islam suck so bad ? Maybe because muhamad liked to fuck 9 year old pussy. I mean seriously how can a muslim accept this ? He was over 50 and she was 9 and he has sex with her, after she had her first period.... WTF.

I think muslims should wake up a bit and adopt a new religion. Why not become buddhists.... Or hell even embrace no religion at all...

I think while most arabs are muslims there will always be backwardness in arabia. this is the truth.

Physics for Future presidents

I have finished reading "Physics for Future Presidents" by Robert Muller. Although this got a rating of 4 at and it covers a lot of interesting topics, i found the book to be terribly disappointing. This guy is an american conservative with a political agenda botches the facts and figures throughout his book to advance his goals. Some things advanced are true, like for example the importance of conservation, while some thing are plain false. He makes the claim for example that coal in america will last for a thousand years and in china they will last for 100, while here are the facts from wikipedia: .

He also advances some thing about global warming that are very sketchy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Amazing True Story of Islam (Introduction)

Islam is the biggest muslim in the world. That's right, he is a muslim whose name is Islam. He is such a big muslim that he makes other muslims look like Jews. Instead of fasting only during the month of Ramadan, Islam fasts for 3 month before ramadan, and
3 months after Ramadan.

Here's are some of Islam's Friends:
Sheikh Hamza

Here's are some things that Islam's friends do.

For example, sometimes middle eastern people in lebanon would sit together at a cafee and talk together and mingle boys and girls.
Sheick Hamza doesn't like this. So while they are talking he comes into their midst and says:

لقد حان وقت الاسلام . هيا على الصلاة.

which translates to: The time has come for Islam. Let us Pray.
And thus he forces everyone to pray and the hot women to get veiled.

Here's a conversation that Goes between Shady and Haytham:

Shady: يهودي يأخذ أرضي.
Haytham: Bloodlibelأقتله . أقتله يا شادي. أقتله و إشرب دمه.

Shady: A jew takes my Land
Haytham: Kill him.Kill him Shady. Kill him and drink his blood. Bloodlibel.

So more to come about Islam and friends.