
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Are we incapable of evolving

I can't help but think that we as a people are incapable of evolving. I grew up in a conservative christian environment and I always rejected its political dogmas. I always thought that the principles of liberalism freedom and democracy would triumph in our land. Then came 2005 and for a while my beliefs were validated. I saw muslims and christian unite around a common goal that of freedom and democracy. However the cedar revolution of 2005 was a very brief illusion, we saw how muslims with the 4 way alliance sidelined the main christian political representative.

Now, if that wasn't enough the worse was yet to come. This christian representative who claimed to represent secular aspiration of all the lebanese went and struck a politically motivated sectarian deal with the worse possible enemy to our internal coexistance. He made friends with Mr. Nasrallah a year after the latter had dragged us into a war with israel. He reneged his principles and the policies that got him elected in 2005 for the dream of becoming president of this country.

So, I became a march 14 supporter again and voted for the alliance in the 2009 election, only to find ( to my disapointment) that they too have abandoned their principles. They who have lost so much to syria have went and made peace with this criminal state. They who have lost so much on account of hizballah went and embraced the party.

I find myself deeply disappointed with all the political parties in this country, yet I am stuck. I can't find a way to leave and staying here I can't find any glimmer of hope in our ability to progress.